Sunday, February 26, 2012


I totally forgot I had a Pinterest! My mom introduced me to it when it first came out, and she invited me... I used it for like a week, haha. But I've deleted all my old boards and I'm going to start using it again. Follow me if you're interested!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

is this real life

I neeeeeed this! It's a pen that records literally everything you write/draw and you can upload it onto your computer. Ah, the uses, the uses... Here's the website.

Monday, February 20, 2012

floral fashion

I absolutely love this entire outfit! Floral pants, slouchy sweaters, cute shoes - what I wish my wardrobe was made of and more.

Friday, February 17, 2012

i am now deaf in one ear

My right ear has been clogged since yesterday. This rarely happens to me, so when it does, it is the absolute worst thing ever, sigh. I've been using the heat pack/steam method starting this morning, and I can feel it loosening. So hopefully it will go away soon! If not, I'll definitely be calling the doctor.

Thank the heavens we have a four day weekend D:

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

and here is the "my life sucks" post

I had my heart set on college. Escaping this small town, getting away from my family, starting my higher education, formulating life plans. I just wanted to start anew, refresh my life. But, things are slowly crashing around me. I have no job, no car, no money. My parents can't help me pay for college, and I have no personal savings of my own. I have no car to get me out of here and help me find a job.

So, for now, looks like I'll be stuck here a little longer. I'm starting to apply at every stupid little local place I can think of, hoping one of them will hire my sorry ass. So far, no dice, but I must be hopeful. When I get the money, I'll buy a car. I'll be putting some away to save up for school. And we'll see where life takes me then.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

evil woman how you done me wrong

Today was the first read-through for my school's musical - we're doing "Xanadu"! Exciting, I know, haha. Our director decided to torture us and not tell us our roles until the read-through. But, I'm quite proud and happy, as I got one of the main roles :3 For my first and last musical, it's going to be a blast! Time to be Calliope, muse of epics!